This series takes up from 800 AD, where Translated Texts for Historians leaves off, and follows a similar format. The volumes include English translation with Introduction and Commentary. The intention of the series is to broaden access to Byzantine texts, enabling students, non-specialists and scholars working in related disciplines to access material otherwise unavailable to them. The series will, in time, include a wide range of texts, including historical, theological and literary works.

The General Editors would be interested to hear from anyone with either concrete proposals for translations of texts or with suggestions about texts for which a translation would be desirable or areas and types of material which would most benefit from attention.

LUP gratefully acknowledges the generous support of Dr Costas Kaplanis, alumnus of King’s College London, who suggested the idea of the series to Professor Herrin and has underwritten the initial expenses.

Proposals are warmly invited for the series; please contact the commissioning editor with a Proposal Submission Form.

Commissioning Editor: Clare Litt

General Editors:
Dr Judith Ryder, Wolfson College, Oxford
Professor Judith Herrin, King’s College, London
Professor Elizabeth M. Jeffreys, Exeter College, Oxford